
How to Make a Girlfriend Out of a Friend

How do you turn that girl you friends with into a girlfriend? You have been friends for a long time but then one day it is like you see her for the first time you notice every time she smiles at you and looks you in the eye you heart beats faster. You slowly start to admit yourself that friendship is no longer enough and you want to act on that physical attraction you feel.

The big internal debate is do you risk ruining the friendship if you misread the signals and body language. You are asking yourself how do I convey your emotions. You think that it might be possible to evolve the relationship into something more but don’t know how to go about it. Your probably thinking how do I make a girlfriend out of a friend?

Listen don’t worry you aren’t condemned to admiring her from afar. There are some simple steps that that if you follow them can you can get you the women of your dreams.

First of though please be honest with yourself are you willing to give up the friendship that you have had? Please take heed once you move on the path to make her your girlfriend then it is impossible to ever be the friends you were again. Guys be sure in your decision if you are not 100% convinced then don't do it.

OK, you have decided that yes I want to turn my friend into a girlfriend then the first step is to change her way of thinking. Women organise men into two type’s boyfriends and everyone else. The trick is to get out of the “everyone else” category and into the “my boyfriend” category. Are you asking yourself how do I get her to see me as possible boyfriend?

Well men you got to begin acting like her boyfriend. You are asking yourself how do I go about this; guys it as easy a phoning her up and then tell her that what ever her plans were forget them as you are going to take her for a cocktail/dinner and a moonlight stroll. When you do this be understated but at the same time resolute and make it an option so enticing that she can’t say no.

The lady in question may say “Oh but I have other plans with my girlfriends”. The real important thing to remember is that you have to be self-assured. Women love confident men who take the lead. Woman love men who take control it is an alpha male thing. You have to say in reply “Hey I do not care cancel your plans because I am coming round to pick you up at (whatever time).

Whatever you don’t take her to a movie, concert or a show on the first five dates. The reason being is you are going to talk to her. Find out all about her on another deeper level. You are going to talk to her as a lover and not as a friend. You need to learn her desires, her wants, her wishes find out where her other boyfriends went wrong so you don’t make that mistake. You have to make her the focus of the conversation and make sure you really listen to her ad she knows that you are.

No most importantly make sure you give her a goodnight kiss. If you don’t you are screwed because she will see you as a very nice friend who had just bought her a drink/dinner and you will being a worse position than before.

If you follow this plan and you don’t get the response you want i.e. unfortunately she doesn't she you as boyfriend material. There are two choices open to you acknowledge the situation and make yourself scarce in the anticipation that she may miss you and then decides you might have a life together. The second option is to begin working on her lack of enthusiasm. In this case say something similar to “I accept that you don’t see me that way UNTIL NOW BUT I understand you well and this will be the foundation of our relationship”.

In conclusion guys you have the power to make a girlfriend out of a friend it requires you to be bold, strong and dynamic and behave in way that shows the girl that you the man that could take care of her and she finds attractive and therefore perfect boyfriend material. Visit my site friend to lover and get that girl today.

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