
Popular Online Dating Activities For Men

Popular Online Dating Activities For Men

Pay attention guys. Online dating can open up new doors of opportunities with a little help from real world dating tips that work. Spice up your matchmaking with some of these ideas.

Looks Count
Comment on how attractive she is. Yes, women do want to know they are pretty, even if they’re online and you can’t see them and have no idea. So in your communications, ask questions that would help you know, but in an unobtrusive way like – how do you wear your hair? And then say how attractive that must look.

Kindness Counts when dating women
Point out nice things or the lemonade in life – nice things the other person has mentioned, nice acts the person has done, good things on the news latterly, etc. Be upbeat, and forget those lemons in life. By using all capital letters, a person can shout, even in email. So show kindness and manners. Keep swearing, unkind remarks, prejudice, etc. out of your communications. And “do unto others….”

So add some helpful real-world tips that do work (a lot of the time anyway) into your online dating equations. And come up on the positive side of online romance - and enjoy more of that tasty lemonade!

The Advantages of Online Dating for Women

In the past, i.e. the 1990’s, online dating was a brand new idea. Unlike today, most people did not own PC’s or even have access to the internet. Times have changed. Online dating is not only IN the mainstream, it IS the mainstream.

Men and women of all ages, races and religions use them as their primary source for meeting people and looking for “the one”. There are many reasons for the phenomenal growth of online dating sites.

If you don’t believe me, just ask your friends in the “real” world. If they are honest, most of them will tell you they have or are using an online dating service.

Here are three good reasons why thousands of people sign up for dating services everyday:

(1)    You can be anonymous. You will never be required to give your real name, address, email address, phone number or place of employment to another online user. You, of course, may do so but only at your own discretion and only when you feel completely safe. Posting your picture is not required. Posting a picture, however, will get more responses to your profile. So you can browse through the other members on the dating site with complete anonymity.

(2)    You have so many more choices online that you do in your brick and mortar world. Before the world of online dating came of age, the choice of friends and even of lifetime partners was limited to those we came in contact with through college or work. No more…the world is your oyster. You can go through ... even thousands of profiles to find the right man for you.

(3)    The “safety factor” is the biggest reason of all. An online dating service will never reveal your personal information. Who has that information and when they have it is what you decide.


Adult Dating Sites - The Three Main Characteristics To Look Out For

Logging online, you have probably found a few good adult dating sites which you are considering to join. The odds are, you might just find the perfect no. 2 to spend the rest of your life with you, loving you for what you are from any one of the dating web-sites. This article will help you to increase those odds by a little bit by telling you what to look out for before joining these sites. There are many nefarious and porn laden sites masquerading as dating sites, roping in the loveless and slapping them with a heavy membership - only to find their true love lying down in front of a webcam in nothing more than their birthday suits.

Not exactly what you expected and what exactly you should avoid. The first thing you should look out for is how long the website or service has been around. One of the main point to look out for is the age of the dating site, the older it is, the more reliability it shows to be able to pair you up with your ideal date. Many of these black hat sites don't last a few months at a time, mainly because they are either shut down, or they have a lack of members, which means no profits to maintain.

Legitimate sites often have been around for years, sometimes as far back as the start of online dating on the web. Also, make sure you don't have to pay any exorbitant fees when you first join and there should always be a trial period. Everything must make human sense, I mean it wouldn't be possible that all the recommended matches from the dating sites for you simply look like a bevy of models from Cosmopolitian, If that happens scratch yor head a little and ponder. Dating is a very real and very human process and a site trying to sell you lookers often have a hidden agenda. Information is also the key feature when it comes to finding the right person.

The ideal dating web site are very detailed to the teeny weeny details of your online reccomendations. Right down to probably even the kind of food they prefer , to the number of sugar cubes they like in their coffee or the color of socks they love. This will match you up to a person who already has the same interests in you and if the accompanying photo is agreeable, then that very profile might be the one eating breakfast with you, walking down the aisle with you and might be raising your children with you. At the very least, it will get your love life going again and put back the excitement in your life. Never wake up alone in bed and have something to look forward to other than work or another night in the club realising you're going to be trudging home alone. You're not hopeless, that is the last thing anyone is and everyone deserves the colour of love to brighten up their lives. These are the 3 and more things to look out for in an adult dating site and with the right one, you will find the person of your dreams.



5 dating turnoffs for women men should know about

Women are pretty hard people to please, especially on first dates and guys should really know about the things that turn them off and make them glance at their watch often. This means they want to leave gentlemen, and all your effort, that new shirt you bought, the cologne, the gift you brought along will be all put to waste by just one mistake.

There are simply some mistakes which guys make which gets them a red card flashed within thirty minutes. The time has arrived for men to bask in the warmth of love rather than loning away in their corner pondering for the date who excused themselves to he restroom. These are 5 dating turnoffs for women men should really know about. The first one is timing. Never, ever be late and no matter how good your excuse is, you have already ruined the date. Being tells them you are tardy, don’t place any importance on the date and all  - which makes them lose a lot of interest in a very short time. Just like a war makes an investment market plunge, her opinion of you will fall faster than rocks from height – so keep a good eye on the time and if you can, be there a bit ahead of schedule.

Another thing, dress good and pay attention to detail. It isn’t the 80’s anymore, so mismatched socks and messy hair doesn’t work unless your name is Sid Vicious. Dress casually in something you can pull off and never overdress for an occasion. You know how women always say that men always don’t listen? Well take that advice too heart. Whether or not women seem to have always something to say and men have something else to look at, it is always good to appear that you are listening and at least answer some of her questions. Make positive remarks now and then complimenting her on her dressing and all. This usually will top her charts pretty fast. Don’t be a lecher and leer all over her. This is a turn off and tells her that you are only interested in one thing and one thing only.

Look into her eyes and smile into her face. Never stare all the way down her blouse or top, it is an ardous task for men to refrain from this, ladies understand that and that is simply the reason behind this little test. If you must have a look, try to pull it off as a joke or do it discreetly. She wants you to look but she also wants to see if you can practice some self restraint. Women are tricky that way. And don’t get high or drunk on the first date, especially when you guys set it up at a bar. It is bad form. And don’t try to ply her with drinks; women know when you are just being generous or trying to get her drunk and in bed. If you have all these pointers in mind, any man will be successful on a first date, the rest is up to your personality and know how.


Online dating is save for women.

Online Dating Safety for Women

Online dating for women looking for sex without commitment can be a fun and certainly a rewarding experience for women of all ages. Maintaining your safety while doing it is simply a combination of using common sense and exercising good judgment. Real world safety rules apply also to online safety rules.

You wouldn’t give your name, address and phone number to a strange man that you met in a bar or on the street so you should never do that online either. Play it safe. Before you give him any information so that he or others can trace you, make sure you get to know this maybe Prince Charming. Don’t tell a stranger exactly where you work. Say that you are a legal secretary (if that’s what you are) ….not that you work for Brown, Smith and Jones Attorneys-at-law. You can reveal the city you live in but wait with being more specific than that. Wait till you have been chatting and emailing for longer time.

Remember to only use the tools provided by the online dating service you belong to. Most offer chat and private email on their site. Never under any circumstance give out your isp email address. Use a free email address such as Yahoo or Hotmail if you must give an email address. Your isp address is traceable for anyone who wants to go to the trouble. 

When you are ready to have your first face-to-face, meet him in a public place and during the day, not at night. After the meeting a friend can call you on your cell to check if you are ok. You could also take a friend along.

If you are unconfortable with revealing more personal information than you want to, ARE in contol, do not let anyone pressure you.
If you’re ready to take your online relationship offline, check out our Safety Tips for Meeting your Online Date.


Guy Gets Girl Review

For the guys out there who have heard about the ebook Guy Gets Girl by Tiffany Taylor and are wondering whether or not it is any good, then this review is for you!

I reviewed this book recently and was glad to see that there are actually 3 volumes to this course and it was better than I expected.

What really makes Guy Gets Girl different is that unlike other pickup and dating books around, this one is written by a lady. This book is special, because it is written by a woman who is willing to teach men how to get laid with her fellow females! This is really nice!

Guy Gets Girl gives you great information about how a woman's mind works. The author explains to you that women in general tend to use their emotions when making decisions. So, if women experience a feeling, chances are she'll act on that feeling rather than on logical reasoning. Even if what they are feeling is the most stupid and illogical thing in the world.

I guess it's not a bad thing that women do not use logic when they are making decisions. This is because Tiffay Taylor goes into detail to explain to you the things you need to do through mind games you can play with women, so that you'll be able to turn on the attraction switches in her head for her to want you.You'll be able to get her to be attracted to you, so long as you know what buttons to push to trigger her attraction switches.

The book also teaches you other things apart from how to control the minds of women, it goes into detail about body language and how to present yourself in a better way.

There are actually three volumes to the ebook and they are divided as:

  • Guy Gets Girl For Beginners
  • Guy Gets Girl For Intermediate Readers
  • Guy Gets Girl For Advanced Players

You don't really need to read them in that order, however sometimes you may need to refer to previous volumes if you don't understand what the author is talking about at times.

For a full review of Guy Gets Girl, you should check out: Guy Gets Girl Ebook Review


Finding dating advice for women

Understanding relationships between men and women can be a big challenge but when you are able to start off on the right path, you will have a better shot at it. It all begins with a date and while it is all fun and innocent at the beginning, there really is a lot that you should be taking into consideration.

If you want to make the most of your new relationships it's best to understand, or try to understand, how the opposite sex works. Get as much free dating advice for women that you can possibly get your hands on. Whether it is free dating advice for women dating men or men needing dating older women advice, all of it can be found on the Internet.

There are several blogs and web forums that have tons of information to be read available on line There are so many people on the Internet who want to share their free dating advice for women that there is probably no way that you would ever be able to read through it all. And since after a while a lot of it would just be repeated information, there is no reason to think that you really have to read all of the free dating advice for women out there. Read what you can and what seems to make the most sense as these is the way to get everything that you need in terms of great advice.

More Places with Information for You

Your friends and family know you the best so they will usually have the best advice on your dating. It is your friends and family that can offer the very best free dating advice for women because they are the ones that know you the best. Your family and friends love you and want to make sure you have the best love has to offer. They also have some knowledge about your personal history with dating so they can use that in picking which free dating advice for women to give you.

Of course, talking to your family and friends is the best option when it comes to finding the perfect dating advice. Go ahead and open up and share a little more about yourself to those close to you as you will be surprised in the difference it makes in the free dating advice for women that you get. It would not be general advice it would be advice specific to you and your needs.


What Are The Secrets To Attracting Girls

To understand the attraction process, you need to know what are the qualities that women find attractive in men.

Contrary to what a lot of guys believe, you don't need money or looks to get women. Having materialist things does help you get the attention of some women, but they will not let you be able to keep her heart. If you want to be able to get quality women, you need to show personality traits that just automatically make women want to hang out with you.

How do you go about conveying to women you have these traits? You have to show her that you are a leader. So what are the things that you can do to do this? Firstly, you really need to stop being such a nice guy around women and say no to her a few times. Be more dominant, but in a way that is still acceptable!

Here's a quick list of elements in a man's personality that all women tend to find attractive:

  • you let her know that you are interested more than being just a friend
  • you let her know you have higher social standing
  • you are a challenge
  • you flirt and tease her
  • you are humorous
  • you are sometimes nice to her, but other times you're mean
  • you're playful

You may notice that in all the Hollywood movies, the guys who are able to attract women constantly all possess these traits in their personality. This is not a coincidence! Do you think Mr Bond is able to seduce the ladies because is just got lucky? No chance! He is smooth, charismatic and charming. In order to have a personality that just attracts women, you need to demonstrate that you in fact do have that kind of personality.

Being a "nice guy" only works in the movies, so don't fall for this trap!

If you would like to learn more about this topic of attraction, you should check out: Attracting Girls